Cherie Em Olson
Elementary Library Media Specialist
Elementary Library Media Specialist
The school library program serves to instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning, and foster independent library use. Students in Kindergarten through 5th grade will visit once a week with their class to check out materials and practice information literacy skills. The library is a stimulating and inviting space where students are given opportunities to acquire knowledge and gain insight in areas of both fact and fiction. In addition to the weekly Library class, Kindergarten through 5th grade classes will also visit once a week for Computer Science instruction. In Computer Science, students will use computer programs to collect information, increase skill level, and create projects which will increase their knowledge of and independence on these highly efficient and productive tools for learning. Students will utilize many computer applications/activities during this course and may include the following:
Internet Safety
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Google Slides
Google Forms
Google Draw
Hardware and Peripherals
Digital Citizenship
Website Reliability
Digital Breakouts
The current library was part of the 2015 addition and serves about 400 students in grades Kindergarten through 5th. Holdings include books, e-books, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks, and music CDs --approximately 21,000 items-- largely funded by the EGPTO and community support. There are five student-use computer stations, two computers serving library operations, one Chromebook cart with 30 student-use Chromebooks, and one presentation station with an interactive projector and a document camera. The library is automated with Mandarin Oasis LMS software. This online software enables our students, staff, and parents to have access to the library both at school and at home. It is our hope that this will promote learning and connectivity from library to classroom to home.
- 100 Book Reading Challenge, Book Worm Reading Challenge, & Book Buzz Reading Challenge Forms
- 4th & 5th Grade Book Buzz Form
Book Buzz Form for 4th & 5th Grade Families
- 4th & 5th Grade Book Buzz List
4th & 5th Grade Book List for Families
- 4th Quarter Book Worm Form
4th Qtr Book Worm Record Form for 2nd-3rd Grade Families
- 100 Book Challenge Record Form
100 Book Record Form for K-1st Grade Families
- 4th & 5th Grade Book Buzz Form
- Library Catalog
- Kindergarten - 5th Grade Library Media Links
- Tech and Library links for primary students
- Resources